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D1.4 Multi-scale and multi-stage scenarios for energy-efficiency retrofitting



The main scope of D1.4 is “Definition of retrofitting priorities over a staged approach, and creating generic retrofitting action plans that includes considerations of temporary moving and accommodations”.

Furthermore it is related to the objective of Task 1.2 that focuses on:
- mapping the problems;
- analysing the optimization potential;
- developing the most effective scenarios at the strategic real estate management level.

After an overview on the consolidated knowledge achieved in the last three years of research, focussing on the outcomes more consistent with the scope of D1.4, the report maps and describes the possible and realistic scenarios within which the Hospitals usually approach a retrofitting project.

Thus, the deliverable defines the retrofitting priorities over a staged approach and creates a general framework including the possible retrofitting action plans generated by the combination of the possible retrofitting scenarios and the different approaches that the development of a retrofitting project, within a certain scenario, could be based on.


Download:  D1.4 Multi-scale and multi-stage scenarios for energy-efficiency retrofitting 


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