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D6.6 Report on improved data integration platform



Within the STREAMER project the challenge is to provide design teams with advanced design tools by improving the open interoperability between Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Geographical Information System (GIS) as to enable model-based prediction of the energy performance.

It is the objective to effectively manage information flow, knowledge integration, communication and decision-making in the participatory semantics-driven design process according to the principles of Integrated Project Delivery [Bektas2016].


In the design phase of a complex project like a healthcare district, the data varies widely. These data are highly distributed and heterogeneous, thereby implying the use of multiple models and resources. This report will define the base for a possible solution on how BIM and GIS-based assessments tools can be coupled with the product lifecycle model (PLM architecture) in order to be straightforward and easy to use [Vial2015].


Given the situation and analysis, we propose a combination of technologies to be used in STREAMER for an improved data and tools integration. The concept is sketched in the following image



Generally, the STREAMER concept consists of three categories:

  • The tools (simulations)
  • The data (BIM, GIS coming from authoring tools, and data from sensors)
  • The integration platform


To limit the number of one-to-one connections the concept of an ‘Enterprise Service Bus’ (ESB) is introduced as a concrete solution to the ‘Information Logistics’ layer in the PLM architecture. An ESB is implementing a communication system between mutually interacting software applications in a service-oriented architecture (SOA).


Based on previous experiences and first experiments, we recommend the use of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator [WSO2_2017] and Zapier Developers platform [Zapier2017] to open unlock the ‘Information logistics’ layer of the proposed PLM architecture.

A solution to connect the several different entities is with a so called ‘event driven’ approach.


Download:  D6.6 Report on improved data integration platform


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