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D7.10 Benchmarking of EeB design innovations in the EU



This deliverable is the second and final deliverable for the task 7.5 in the work package 7. The objectives of this task is that all the project partners conduct field surveys in their own countries, and to provide a benchmark for comparing them. The task is composed of two deliverables, in which the first deliverable (D7.9) reported on the state-of-the-art and the best practices at EU level, whereas the current deliverable (D7.10) is composed of two main parts, namely: i) a report on the validation of STREAMER’s output performed at the different project demonstration sites and including the usage of STREAMER’s tools and further technology, and ii) a benchmark performed at country level.


In the first part, the four demonstration sites in STREAMER briefly describe the performed tasks and report on the validation tasks and the obtained results. Each demonstration site reports on the proposed EeB solution, using STREAMER and further technologies (BIM, GIS, and semantic labels). The main conclusions highlight the importance of using semantic labels during early design phases, and how STREAMER and the different BIM tools allow optimizing building parameters and assist designers for achieving energy efficient designs.


In the second part, a benchmark is defined for each of the four countries of the demonstration sites, to compare energy-related metrics. The defined benchmark did not allow to draw conclusions as originally expected since much more detailed figures from hospitals were needed for comparing different hospitals and drawing significant conclusions. This is due to the fact that the original description of the task was certainly very ambitious.


Download:  D7.10 Benchmarking of EeB design innovations in the EU


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