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D1.5 Coherent state-of-the-art design guidelines for energy-efficient healthcare districts



The main objective of the STREAMER project is the development of design methodologies which will enable a 50% reduction in the amount of energy consumed by hospitals. These methodologies rely heavily on Building Information Modelling (BIM) and the availability of expert knowledge in a useable format in an early design phase.


In this Deliverable, an effort is made to identify, capture and structure this expert knowledge so it can be used by the design team in an early design phase, in both refurbishment and new build situations. This is referred to in the description of work as “the conversion of existing energy-efficient building guidelines into semantic rules for BIM”.


Five research fields of expert knowledge have been selected:
1. KPI’s; Including them in this task ensures a balanced approach between energy saving measures and a safe, user-friendly, and cost-effective environment.
2. Hospital questions; all four hospital partners of STREAMER have been asked to provide research questions (called “hospital questions”) that to them are important within the scope of STREAMER.
3. Labels; these provide a strong theoretical basis for enriching space-related elements in the BIM, such as rooms and functional areas, with knowledge.
4. Energy; this research field has been incorporated to split the main objective of the STREAMER project (energy reduction) into more specific aspects.
5. GIS/BIM; this essential part of the deliverable and is included in order to relate the other knowledge fields to individual neighbourhood and hospital components.

In total, 964 relations between topics within these five research fields have been described in a datasheet. These relationships and their descriptions are the basis for BIM design template development in D1.6 and will provide suggestions for the development of EeB solutions (WP2), KPI’s (WP3), knowledge retrieval techniques (WP4), parametric modelling techniques (WP5) and requirement models (WP6).


Download:  D1.5 Coherent state-of-the-art design guidelines for energy-efficient healthcare districts 


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