Research results:
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Below you can find all available deliverable reports prepared so far within STREAMER project.
D1.1 Taxonomy of healthcare districts focusing on EeB morphology and features
D1.3 Mapping of energy related problems and potential optimisation
D1.4 Multi-scale and multi-stage scenarios for energy-efficiency retrofitting
D1.5 Coherent state-of-the-art design guidelines for energy-efficient healthcare districts
D2.1 EeB technologies for MEP systems of healthcare buildings
D2.4 EeB technlogies for building envelope and space of healthcare buildings
D2.7 EeB technologies for synergy between building and neighbourhood energy systems
D2.8 Set of EeB solutions on district level
D3.1 Building oriented EeB KPIs of newly designed and retrofitting buildings
D3.2 Building and process-oriented EeB KPIs
D3.3 Review and benchmarking energy tools
D4.1 Framework for management of information flow, design actors and collaboration in virtual design and construction
D4.1 Appendix
D4.2 Process roadmap of participatory semantic-driven design
D4.3 Techniques for knowledge retrieval
D4.4 Techniques of knowledge management in participatory semantic-driven designing
D4.5 IPD contract recommendations and best practices
D5.1 State-of-the-art review of advancements and challenges in ontology research
D5.2 Semantic web base Product Modelling Ontology (PMO)
D5.3 PLM Architecture for EeB within the context of healthcare districts
D5.5 Parametric modelling techniques for EeB
D6.5 Advance Mapping Structures and Standards
D6.6 Report on improved data integration platform
D6.8 Intermediate report on improved data integration platform
D7.2 UK Validation through participatory design session
D7.4 Real case in NL: Validation through participatory design session
D7.6 Italy Validation through participatory design session
D7.8 Real case in France: Validation through participatory design session
D7.9 State-of-the-art of energy-efficient healthcare districts
D7.10 Benchmarking of EeB design innovations in the EU
D8.1 Implementers Community and Valorisation
D8.2 Knowledge dissemination in cooperation with other EU programmes
D8.4 Public website and project consortium website
D8.5 Training materials on BIM and GIS, evidence based and design Decision Support tools for hospitals
D8.6 Newsletters and publications: overview report
D8.7 Recommendations for new and retrofitted EeB HD
D8.8 Recommendations to BuildingSMART, OGC, W3C on open-standards improvement