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D2.8 Set of EeB solutions on district level



Buildings, especially buildings that are part of a hospital, are usually located near other buildings. Thus, when assessing options for Energy Efficient Buildings, it is necessary to include Neighbourhood Energy Systems (NES). This deliverable follows three basic steps when assessing the possibilities of NES: Supply, demand and match. This deliverable builds on the results of D2.7 (Description of technologies for synergy between buildings and NES). The energy exchange between buildings is primarily addressing heating/cooling, and electricity. Other forms of energy (like gas) are out of scope.

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) help to display relevant data regarding energy supply or demand, but the usefulness depends largely on the availability of data. Some data may be available from public or closed sources, other data may have to be calculated by the designer. One source of data that gives insight in energy demand is the usage of energy simulation tools (explicitly addressed in a number of other deliverables within STREAMER).

The focus of the designer will be on the building level, the inter-building level (campus), and district level. Data availability differs on each level. Energy simulation/calculation tools are available for this. The deliverable outlines a number of EeB solutions (energy systems) that are relevant at the neighbourhood level. Whether or not these systems can be included in explicit simulations relating to the STREAMER design process is largely depending on the availability of relevant supporting data for those technologies.

Apart from the pure energy-related design questions, other aspects will be taken into consideration by designers and decision makers as well. This includes stakeholder interests, financial characteristics, visibility/PR, and the like.

One conclusion is that software tools (and data) are available for some design questions, for some technologies, and for some geographical areas, there is no integrated design and decision support tool for evaluating NES that is now suitable for the STREAMER context. In specific cases however, good opportunities exist to include these options.


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