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D4.2 Semantic Web based Product Modelling Onotlogy (PMO) 



This document, deliverable 5.2 "Semantic Web based Product Modelling Ontology (PMO)", is dealing with BIM information management and quality control. Based on our state-of-the art analysis and the conclusion to follow a hybrid approach (see D5.1) the STREAMER PMO introduces a layered approach that differentiates between differ-ent kinds of model checking. Each layer requires own checking knowledge and is typical managed by different authors or standardization bodies. Thus, our PMO is not a new, monolithic specification that integrates all relevant design and checking knowledge. Instead, the presented approach is reusing existing standards and specifications and therefore also enables to integrate available tools. It represents a generic solution and is based on principles adopted from the IDM/MVD methodology defined by buildingSMART. It is expected that it is a more flexible and practical approach that more easily can be adopted by the industry, also because it is in line with ongoing stand-ardization efforts.


The focus of developed specifications and prototypes is on collaboration support, more specifically on checking data exchange requirements that represents one layer in the proposed approach and supports information sharing between stakeholders. A main aspect is completeness of information derived from specific needs of design pro-cesses. Based on the presented approach, the sender and receiver of information will be able to check if all agree-ments are fulfilled or if some data is missing. They can use the same specification and neutral checking tools to validate results, ideally before submitting requested data to the receiver. This will help to reduce "requests for infor-mation" due to incomplete datasets.


Technically, main research questions have been: (1) how to do neutral model checking based on open BIM; and (2) how to capture and manage exchange requirements. mvdXML was selected as a basis for further developments, which so far had been used for documentation purposes only. STREAMER started to use mvdXML for model checking and was contributing to a new release published in spring 2016. By following this standardization path it is expected that the chosen approach is leading to better acceptance by the industry.

Besides working on technical specifications another challenge was to adequately capture domain knowledge that is normally discussed using the language of domain experts. STREAMER decided to capture and manage both types of specifications in order to support later maintenance where it might be necessary to reuse, revise and update requirements.


The developed approach was validated for three data exchange scenarios: (1) client requirements for developing an initial design (PoR data), (2) basic room layout data to be used for basic energy simulation and (3) energy simulation results to be used for design evaluation and further design detailing. Practical tests have been carried out by the four STREAMER example projects using developed prototypes but also commercial tools. They show existing variety of model checking and necessary efforts to harmonize data flows.

Results of task 5.1 show how definition and checking of exchange requirements can be done. The developed ap-proach is in line with buildingSMART developments and provides a sound basis for further specification work. Pre-sented mvdXML specifications are still under revision and will be extended to reflect changes and extensions of the data flow. Ideally, requirements for the different energy simulation tools as well as expected result set are fully harmonized and thus independent from used tools. Such neutral specifications could then be input to further stand-ardization activities. 


Download: D5.2 Semantic web based PMO


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