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D2.4 EeB technologies for building envelope and space of healthcare buildings



The Deliverable deals with the State-of-the-art review of architectural solutions (i.e. building envelope and spatial design) for energy-efficient healthcare buildings.

The Deliverable focuses on the identification of technologies and environmental design criteria that are feasible to implement and to benchmark necessary energy performance standards for energy savings in healthcare districts. The data collected show the updated State of the Art of the EeB solutions for building space and envelope: each chapter identifies strategies and opportunities for a significant energy reduction, both considering technical - related to the envelope - and spatial issues.

The choice has been made considering the suitability of a specific technology in healthcare buildings. The focus is both on new construction and retrofit actions: recommendations may be applicable to hospitals undergoing complete renovation, partial renovation, addition, remodeling, and modernization projects.

Regarding the methodology, the EeB technologies for building envelope and space in hospitals were searched, selected and briefly described. The resulting preliminary list of the state of the art of technologies was then reviewed and a selection of the most appropriate technologies was done and described more in detail.

The following step was to deepen each listed solution (57 at the beginning then reduced to 45) according to a common list of topics; the distribution of the work among partners was done on the basis of the knowledge and expertise stated by each involved partner.

Concerning the section related to the building layout, it was agreed that the Bouwcollege layers (i.e. the categories of space used in STREAMER) could be used also regarding the energy consumption.

Finally, the technical numerical parameters describing each solution was collected, listed and described in a table.

The report is organized in three main parts:

  • Design solutions of EeB space and layout (chapter 2);
  • Technical solutions of EeB envelope (chapter 3);
  • Parameters (chapter 4).


The first one classifies the building space and layout and presents the building space using two-pages forms, whereas the building layout is described through free-form text.

The second one classifies the envelope technologies (both façades and top closures) and presents each of them via the same two-pages forms.

The last part gathers the parameters defined in each technical and space solutions and presents them in a table.


Download: D2.4 EeB technologies for building envelope and space of healthcare buildings- State-of-the-art review of architectural solutions.



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