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D8.2 Knowledge dissemination in cooperation with other EU programmes



This document summarizes the exchanges that the STREAMER project has had with other projects in the EeB domain. Especially the other projects that were granted in the same call have been approached: Design4Energy, Holisteec, and EeEmbedded. Additionally, STREAMER has collaborated with other projects in a number of other platforms and congresses. In this document, these meetings are listed, together with the main conclusions and insights from those meetings.

The goals of these exchanges were to cluster (so that one event would be organized that would disseminate the results from multiple projects, which is much more efficient) and to exchange (avoiding double work; discuss approaches in order to find optimal solutions; and to build upon each other’s results and insights).
Insights from 9 joint dissemination meetings are presented: all EeB Impact workshops; two EUHPN workshops, the Green@Hospital final conference, the ISES final conference, a conference organized by the EINSTEIN project, and Sustainable places 2015, 2016 and 2017.


Download:  D8.2 Knowledge dissemination in cooperation with other EU programmes


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