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7th Framework Programme  

Freek Bomhof MSc.
The Netherlands


3rd STREAMER newsletter

August 2017



2nd STREAMER newsletter

May 2016



1st STREAMER newsletter

January 2015



Streamer 2nd Leaflet

Streamer Promotion on International conference in Warsaw

The conference "Energy Storage in SMART HOSPITAL DISTRICTS "was held in the frame of the international project EINSTEIN (Effective Integration of Seasonal Thermal Energy storage systems IN existing buildings), co-financed by European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) for Research and Technological Development. The event was organized by Mazovia Energy Agency (MAE) and held in Warsaw on 22nd and 23rd of September 2015.

The conference focused on hospital/ district networks and international projects like EINSTEIN and STREAMER that undertake these issues. This was not only an excellent chance for STREAMER dissemination but also knowledge exchange between practitioners and researchers dealing with energy efficiency in buildings and hospital sector.

Goals and objectives of STREAMER were introduced by Freek Bomhof, project coordinator, and followed by his presentation on intelligent planning and energy management in hospital districts.

The main topic undertaken during the conference was dedicated to the results of the international project EINSTEIN ( The objective of the project was an analysis assessment, development, validation and demonstration of capabilities of a heating district based on the Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage – STES and reduction of primary energy consumption in a Drewnica Hospital, near Warsaw.


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