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7th Framework Programme  

Freek Bomhof MSc.
The Netherlands


3rd STREAMER newsletter

August 2017



2nd STREAMER newsletter

May 2016



1st STREAMER newsletter

January 2015



Streamer 2nd Leaflet

General assembly meeting in Warsaw (PL) 

On September 6, 7 and 8 (2016) the STREAMER consortium had its General Assembly meeting in Warsaw, PL. The Polish partners MAE and MOW organized and hosted the meeting. We had the opportunity to admire the new Mostostal headquarters.
The first day was devoted to presenting and discussing the progress in the work packages. There was a discussion on the estimated budget needed to conclude the deliverables according to the plan; and consequently where extra efforts are in place when it turns out that less budget is needed than anticipated. One decision was to focus on extended development of tools, when possible. A procedure was agreed on how to decide on the details of the tool development.
Some discussion was started on creating a flyer with the main STREAMER results; we should be able to define these now (we don’t have to wait until the end of the project). This will greatly help us to promote our results to the market.
The issues list was revisited shortly, and a number of issues were already solved and others were to be addressed at the workhops and technical meetings. An update of the list will be created in the coming days.
Also, the date and location for the next General Assembly was decided (Karlsruhe, March 22-24 2017).
The second day was hosted by the Nuclear Research Center just outside Warsaw.
The Exploitation Strategy was revisited, leading to a number of good remarks on the KER (Key Exploitable Results); I will process those remarks and get back to you with the updated overview.
There was a plenary workshop by Thomas Liebich and Karl-Heinz Häfele, addressing many questions, decisions, and issues relating to the tools within STREAMER. One decision was to switch to IFC4, th eupcoming new version of IFC (after 2x3), although technical problems can be expected, this will be the future so we better prepare for it.
The TRNSYS-eveBIM toolset was demonstrated by a movie made by Bruno (who unfortunately had to leave earlier that morning).
The CEN tool was demonstrated, which was interesting because many people had heard about it, but never actually seen it; an interesting tool because it can give indications on energy demand in a very early design stage.
Additionally, some introductions were given on the work in the Research centre, and a tour around the facility was organized.  Especially the introduction to the topic of ‘radiophobia’ was very though-provoking and caused quite some discussions in the group, even though the topic of radioactivity is not really the focus of the STREAMER project.
The second day was concluded by a walk in the Łazienki park in Warsaw, and an excellent dinner in a restaurant nearby.
The last day (morning) was devoted to technical sessions that mainly discussed detailed research questions within some work packages. Some topics were

  • Standardization, led by Krszysztof. This is a broad topic because it basically tries to assess all STREAMER results to see whether or not they are fit to be included in a standard.
  • WP4, where the production of D4.2 was outlined. Thanks to Rasmus Rempling of NCC, a clear ToC including names of people to contribute the various parts, was created.
  • Retrofit scenarios. Here, the hospitals clearly indicated their needs, and as a result a more precise approach on how to approach retrofit was defined. This also included (an outline for) a methodology to select MEP systems.
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