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7th Framework Programme  


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Work Programme

In order to assure the realisation of positive impacts of its results STREAMER relies on an optimal strategy for a 4-year large-scale integrating collaborative project that coherently integrates 2 innovation areas (EeB technology innovation and Semantic design innovation) and 4 progressive steps (Conceptualisation, Configuration, Optimisation and Generalisation) supported by conducive technical and project management. The solid integration of the 2 innovation areas is underpinned by the practical validation and impacts in real projects, both new and retrofitted buildings. These projects will demonstrate and validate the best use of the semantic design method to achieve the immediate and long-term goals of STREAMER in terms of 50% reduction of energy use of healthcare districts.

The collaborative work in STREAMER will be performed in10 work packages, including: 6 RTD work packages; 1 demonstration work package [DEM]; 1 knowledge dissemination work package  [OTH]; 1 technical management work package  [RTD]; and 1 project management work package [MGT].


WP 1: EeB building typologies

WP 2: EeB energy typologies

WP 3: EeB performance optimisation 

WP  4: Participatory design framework

WP  5: Semantics-driven design method 

WP  6: Interoperable design tools

WP  7: Demonstration and validation

WP  8: Dissemination and standardisation

WP  9: Technical management

WP 10: Project management





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