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Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris

The Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) is the public hospital system (établissement public de santé) of the city of Paris and its suburbs since 1961. It is the largest hospital system in Europe and one of the largest in the world, it provides health care, teaching, research, prevention, education and emergency medical service in 52 branches of medicine. The AP-HP is linked with the University of Paris and its seven colleges of medicine, two of odontology and two of pharmacy. For all investment and operational decisions, consistent with the requirements of the hospital, AP-HP has chosen to work on the environmental quality of its new operations, rehabilitation and maintenance. All building projects are consistent with the objectives of sustainable development and performance-based procurement.


Main roles in STREAMER

- Leader of Task 7.4 on the demonstration case and practical validation in France, especially in its role as the client/owner, building operator and main occupant of the real project.

- Contributor to research on building/district typologies (WP1), EeB solutions (WP2), and key performance indicators (WP3), especially based on the real client and end-user’s experience. The contribution focuses on the knowhow of daily operational processes, healthcare services and equipment. It also provides considerations on the real estate strategies for healthcare buildings and districts during the collaborative design process involving all stakeholders (WP4).

- Contributor to research in BIM/semantic product lifecycle modelling (T5.2) comprising the equipment, installations, and the connections with the building systems.

- Active partner in knowledge dissemination and valorisation, especially regarding the establishment and mobilisation of the Implementers Community (IC) in conjunction with the real demonstration case, and benchmarking at EU level.


Key persons involved

- Mr. Didier Bourdon (Engineer, graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat, and graduated from the Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires ( CCI Paris / HEC), Technical Adviser to the Director General of the AP-HP). He is also Project Manager at the Regional Health Agency of Ile de France. He is in charge of the development of the plan regarding the future of regional hospital property, as well as the energy transition policy. He was previously Director of the Investment, Works, Maintenance and Security of AP-HP, and before Group Director of Hospital North “Hospices Civils de Lyon” (budget: 140 million euros, 2500 agents, about 500 physicians, 900 beds and places).

- Mr. Didier Marcelin (Engineer, graduated from the Institut National des Sciences Appliqués of Lyon, Chief Investment Officer of Pitié Salpetriere hospital). He has served in several institutions of the AP-HP as hospital engineer since 1975. He is now chief investment officer at Pitié Salpêtrière - Charles Foix (2100 beds, 450 000 m²), and is responsible for new construction, purchase of medical equipment and hard FM.

- Mr. El Hadi Benmansour (Doctor of Medicine and Director of the Hospital EHESP to foreign title) is the Director of the Department of Business Analyst and Technology Policies, economic, financial, investment and patrimony Management, General Directorate Headquarters of the Public Assistance Hospitals of Paris. He led the major and structuring building projects of the institution, these operations concentrated (OIC) are especially characterized by a particular complexity, a significant cost, and characteristics supra Hospital Groups. He is responsible for conducting operations, in compliance with national indicators and those of the department, in terms of efficiency, cost of construction delays, functional, architectural and technical quality.

- Mr. Jean Claude Richard (Engineer, graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs de Saint- Etienne, Project Manager at the Financial Management Economic, Investment and Property Assets Department of AP-HP). He joined AP-HP in 2008 to develop a technical and energy policy to ensure the traceability of MEP operations in all components (electricity, fire safety, elevators, asbestos, ventilation, water and heat, etc.). He is the project manager of the Avicenna Public Private Partnership for the construction of a biomass boiler. He is also involved in 12 projects on energy performance diagnostics representing 12 buildings with an area of 550,000m². Prior to his current position, he was a maintenance manager in the private industry.







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